Wednesday 26 September 2007

F**king fuming with Andy Parfitt

DATE: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:08:31 +0100
SUBJECT: Buzzwords & Trademarks


Firstly, really enjoyed attending the VIP Radio 1 40th birthday party the other night. Thanks for the invite and your kind hospitality.

Anyway, it has been drawn to my attention by a third party that the Insight Boards over at the Corporation's Switch HQ may contain mission-speak that closely resembles some of my programming slogans. Specifically, "make it sticky".

I must remind you and your colleagues that the term "Itchy Reality" was official registered as a trademark in May shortly after I arrived at the Corporation. On May 29th I sent out my first commissioning brief outlining my vision for the Youth Channel, where I debuted the term "Itchy Reality" for the first time. I have subsequently made the term a key part of my mission slogans (as you would know if you visited my office and saw my various mood boards), and also launched an exclusive range of Youth Channel merchandise (courtesy of Taylor Herring) at the Edinburgh TV Festival in August.

This means that I have exclusive use of the term "Itchy Reality", 'including any phrases or other adjectives that obviously link or allude to the notion of any content that is produced or formed with "itchiness" in mind at the creative point of origin. These words include, but are in no way limited, to: SCRATCHY™; STICKY™; PRICKLY™; SMUDGY™, SCREECHY™ & SQUELCHY™...

(that's all taken directly from the terms of my trademark agreement, by the way).

Look, I certainly don't want to poo all over the great work the Switch team are starting to do - after all, their demographic feeds directly into mine - but I think that stepping on the Youth Channel's toes is something you need to be acutely aware of.

I look forward to working with you on more sticky™ (!) projects in future.

Warm regards,
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


Anonymous said...

Touchy Reality?

Anonymous said...

Bitchy Reality more like ;)